% pubman genre = article @article{item_2350254, title = {{Effect of X-ray irradiation on ancient DNA in sub-fossil bones {\textendash} Guidelines for safe X-ray imaging}}, author = {Immel, Alexander and Le Cabec, Adeline {\textasteriskcentered} and Bonazzi, Marion and Herbig, Alexander and Temming, Heiko and Schuenemann, Verena J. and Bos, Kirsten I. and Langbein, Frauke and Harvati, Katerina and Bridault, Anne and Pion, Gilbert and Julien, Marie-Anne and Krotova, Oleksandra and Conard, Nicholas J. and M{\"u}nzel, Susanne C. and Drucker, Doroth{\'e}e G. and Viola, Bence and Hublin, Jean-Jacques and Tafforeau, Paul and Krause, Johannes}, language = {eng}, issn = {2045-2322}, doi = {10.1038/srep32969}, publisher = {Nature Publishing Group}, address = {London, UK}, year = {2016}, journal = {{Scientific Reports}}, volume = {6}, eid = {32969}, }